Sunday, July 30, 2006


I want to build my own home, a beautiful log cabin nestled in a plethora of trees and sweet grass. Huge, clear windows facing in all directions, especially the west to watch the orange sun set in the horizon. However, what I DO NOT WANT IS A STICKING PILE OF SHITE THAT IS FALLING APART, SMELLS LIKE ASS, AND HAS BUGS CREEPING, CRAWLING EVERYWHERE. You can not imagine some of the garbage houses we have seen. It's amazing that some people are living in such filth.

Last week I traveled to Lake Geneva for 3 days for work. It was a fun trip. I also interviewed for the director position while I was down there. I am supposed to know the results by Aug 15th. Either way I am pleased with how I interviewed and know the single and only reason as to why I would not get the job--age and inexperience in management. It was pretty interested to spend several days with all my bosses and watching them get their drunk on. (I was kind of jealous to not be able to kick back on the side of the lake with a margarita!)

Blah blah blah house blah blah blah job blah blah blah house job house job. Bee bop ba du bop.

Stand strong.



Blogger Melissa said...

julie, you need to do a random picture post.

1:23 AM
  Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy long time since a post was put up! ;)

8:33 PM
  Blogger Melissa said...

I miss bibbidyboop. :(

9:56 PM

Sunday, July 23, 2006


My parents visited us this weekend for 2 days. It was SO nice to see them and to show them around Green Bay. It was only the 2nd time they have been down here to see me since I moved here. They can't travel often so I always look forward to them visiting when they can. Dusty and I took them to the Bay Beach Amusement Park where we went on some .50 rides and wandered around. We also took them to look at a house we fondly nicknamed FSBO. (funky smelling basement odor) Needless to say, we won't be buying that gem!!!

However, we found a house that we LOVE LOVE LOVE. We have an appointment on tuesday evening to check it out. I'm really hoping that this might be the one for us. It's in the location that we love (about 4 blocks from where we are now), style that we like, and it very good condition. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I just don't want to wait all the way until TUESDAY. Booo!

Ok, I'm finished.


Blogger Melissa said...

hurray for updates galore! I'm glad you had a fun visit with your parents. Happy house hunting!

11:47 PM

Friday, July 21, 2006

Holy shmoly, she lives!

By goly, I remember how to update after all. I have been hiding in the deep caves of a college campus working my booty to the nines while house hunting and job interviewing at the same time. Say what? When did all of these atrocities occur???

So yup, I've been doing a bit of house hunting for the past month or so. I'm extremely tired of paying rent, rent, rent to only receive what in return? Stolen propery, crackheads living above me, rain pouring through the sliding door, spiders galore, and air conditioning that only works when it's cold outside. It's time for me to look into other options. I'll probably be in this area for a couple years so it's time I settle in a bit. Besides, house hunting makes me giddy. FYI, if all you're gonna do is buzz on me about buying a house being a bad idea, piss off. I'm not going to hear it.

Yes, I've also been doing some job interviewing. Well, ONE particular job with several interviews involved. I've made it past the first two hurdles. There are two of us left in the running for this job. I have the "big" interview next week when I travel to Lake Geneva for 3 days for a district meeting. This job will bring about a ton more responsibility, but better hours and hella better pay. I'm certainly hoping that I get it. Like my boss told me, confidence is key. SO EVERYONE LEAVE ME A MESSAGE TELLING ME I AM THE BEST EFFIN' FINANCE GURO EVER.

However, the worst part about all these going-ons is the fact that I am missing out on the Hiawatha Music Festival this year. Right now as I type away in my boring office, my peeps are setting up camp and having a jolly time in good ol' Marquette. To my pals, don't think I've forgotten about you cuz I haven't. I wish with all my heart and hippie soul that I could be up there with you. Have tons of fun for me...and drink a diet soda in my absence. (did you guys bring washers again??)

My brother is doing good in bootcamp. He says the best part about it is "chowing" and "guns". I am so proud of him my heart could burst. I've had several people go off on me about how stupid he is for joining the army. I get so upset when I hear this. Why in the world would people want to hate on me? On my brother? For protecting our country? So maybe you don't agree with the war and other things, but don't hate upon the soldiers who are working hard and the families who care for them. I gaurantee you that I WILL eat the next person alive who puts down my brother.

That's about all I have right now. Visit my space and be my friend. Until next time,

wonky crazy llama loving freak


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU ARE THE BEST EFFIN' FINANCE GURO EVER!!!!!! I hope you get that job! That would be awesome for you!

8:30 PM
  Blogger Melissa said...

GO JULIE! Hurray!

11:21 AM

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Visit my used car lot!

Well I survived my first day back to work today. The first half was spent being white as a ghost, but by the end of the night (I worked 12:30-9) I'm feeling pretty good and actually *gasp* kind of peppy. How nice it feels to eat a MEAL. Yum. First meal in three and a half days was tonight. You ever want to lose a shit-ton of weight in short periods of time? Get food poisoning. It's awesome.

So I know that the majority of you tools reading this blog have a MYSPACE account. Please, for the love of all that is mighty, what in the HELL makes me keep logging back in. I log in daily, gaze upon my possible comments and inbox requests, get bored, and log back off. I do this repeatedly. Rinse and repeat. It is boring, idiotic, and foolish. It's a game of "whose page is the shiniest, has the most awesome song, flashiest icons, most friends, and the whole who can look the hottest" type of attraction. Kind of like a used car lot complete with oily salesman and colored flags. Yet I just can't STOP logging on. Shameless plug: Visit my used car lot!

My brother leaves for bootcamp on monday. Dusty and I heading up north for the weekend so I can say goodbye and spend a day with him. My parents are taking it pretty hard now. Actually, I am too. It's scary! Yet I'm so proud of him I could cry. He'll do great, I'm sure of it.

This entry is putting me to sleep.


Blogger Melissa said...

update, update!

12:32 PM
  Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree!!:)

8:31 PM

Monday, June 12, 2006


Today is Dusty's first day at his new job and is the first day of the summer quarter where I work. So where am I? Laying on the couch nursing day 2 of food poisoning. I have eaten a total of 3 crackers, a serving of sugar free jello, and some chicken broth since saturday evening. I am totally miserable. Both Dusty and I got sick, but he got feeling better alot sooner than I did. With already having stomach issues, food poisoning is many times worse than normal for me.

We're thinking we either ate some bad food at BayFest or BDubs. Either way, I don't want to see food from either place for a VERY long ass time. As much as Dusty loves to eat there, I refuse to go back! (or at least until I can think of eating there without throwing up in my mouth a little)

Ok sorry, the first two paragraphs of this post have been about being sick and puking. I had fun this weekend otherwise. We went to a ton of garage sales saturday morning and spent a good portion of the day wandering around BayFest. We also got to visit with Trinity and his daughter Annabelle. (who is the most darling little girl in the world!)

You know what I love about being sick? Daytime tv. I get to watch mindless trash for hours on end. Maury, Elimidate, Montell, Judge Judy, People's Court, Next....just hours and hours of trash to further liquify my brain. Now if only I had enough strength in my limbs to do some laundry. I'm so weak right now, it's all I can do to run to the bathroom. Fun times. I'll pay someone to come clean and do my laundry. Not kidding.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sucks!!! I hope you feel better soon!!

10:48 PM
  Blogger Melissa said...

best wishes to you on feeling better. best wishes to dusty as he begins his new job endeavor! and hurray for a blog entry! :)

9:57 PM
  Blogger Mr. Johnson said...

Oh no. Dont put down B-Dubs. I love that place!! Daytime TV is terrible. Thank goodness for all the DVD's in the collection.

9:34 PM
  Blogger Jules said...

Hahaha, try puking it up for 3 days and tell me you love BDubs. BLECH. Thanks for all the get well wishes, everyone!

9:52 PM

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

It's Official

A quick update: my brother Phil has officially been signed into the U.S. Army. He leaves for bootcamp on June 20th and will be starting out as Private 1st Class due to his degree and work experience. He will be a mechanic on light machinery. I don't think I have ever been as proud of my little brother as I am right now. (along with being a bit nervous, which is understandable!)


Blogger Dusty said...

Phil is going to do great in the Army. He's a hard worker and they'll love him in there.

1:19 PM
  Blogger Jaime said...

Wow, if friendship was measured on number of blog comments left my ranking would be "Way Not Good". I should really work on that. I'm happy for Phil, it's good to get out of the Yoop, at least for a little while. Miss you Jules, maybe someday we'll see each other again.

5:48 PM
  Blogger Melissa said...

best of luck to phil. our thoughts to you and your family, julie. also, good in bed IS a great book!

7:16 PM

Bored work blog

For the very first time in the history of this job I have a few minutes of down time. I'm not quite sure how to handle this time of relaxation so I am about to post a blog. Woot.

Dusty and I finished watching the first season of Lost last night. Although I am quite addicted to it now, I can't stand the show at the same time. Many parts of it drag on and on and on....and the parts where I want to see more are short. I can't stand Jack--he is quite a dufus and annoys me. My favorite characters are Charlie, John Locke, and Sawyer. Kate seems to be too predictable and Hurley's hair looks like a mushroom. We watched the first episode of the second season where Kate, Jack, and Locke finally make it into the "hatch". I want to know how that dude survived in "hatch" for so long and why in the world he is giving himself shots in the arm with a ginormous machine-shot-giver. End of review.

I also read "Good in Bed" by Jennifer Weiner recently. No, it's not a porn nor is it anything to do with the title for the most part. I must say that it was the best book I have read this year. For all the woman in the world who aren't of supermodel proportions (which is 99% of the population), READ THIS BOOK. It is awesome.

My new car has been superb minus the big scratch on the back driver's side door. *ahem* I won't comment further on that. I've been plunking away at work. I won the award for the top FAA in the district and am going to Lake Geneva for three days and two nights at the end of July. Fabulous! I also get to take a trip to Madison with my director for some training the end of June. She is hell-bent on taking me to some rocker bars while we are there. Should be interesting.

My brother Phil signed up for the Army. Right now he is waiting on his physical results before he gets a "yes" or a "no" response on joining. Hopefully we find out sometime soon. If he is accepted, he will leave for basic training on June 6th. Ahhh! My mom has been having some severe health issues in the past couple of weeks. If only I had thousands upon thousands of dollars to pay for everything she needs to get better.

What else? Frisky is fat. I am bored. Chocolate is good. Being broke is bad. Going home this weekend for Memorial Day. Dusty is super-cool.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Liberal or Conservative?

I know I'm liberal. The only surprise was the Defense and Crime portion, but probably because I believe in the death penalty.

Your Political Profile:
Overall: 30% Conservative, 70% Liberal
Social Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal